Friday, 19-Apr-2024


Do you use "Rate Form" as the basis for anything within your Prediction Program?

We considered that the problem with "Rate Form" was that it was too slow to cope with sudden changes in a team's performance due to unusual circumstances occurring (such as a new owner coming in with plenty of money to purchase new key players). For this reason we concentrated on devising our own ranking system for the team strengths and, after years of tinkering with it, we now consider that what we employ is superior to "Rate Form".

In the past, most Bookies seemed to apply Odds based on a "Rate Form" calculation of some sort or other but, nowadays, the larger, more experienced and more sophisticated companies tend to apply Odds that have been calculated by an advanced software predictions program, much like our own "Predict-A-Win Program. It therefore seems that "Rate Form" is now largely redundant, although it could still be employed as a sanity check on a computer system's output.

However, no matter what system you use to make predictions, the reliability rate over all the matches in a League will never be higher than 50%, so what you need to have available is a full comparison of exactly what was expected versus what actually happened for each and every match. That is precisely what we provide you with on this website for over 5000 matches per year - and you won't find that sort of forensic (analytical) detail anywhere else on the Internet! Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Updated: 19-Apr-2024 12:30 GMT
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