Thursday, 25-Apr-2024


Is it best to bet solely on "Favourites"?

  1. The low Odds on offer for "Favourites" betting contain an Over-Round factor (the Bookie's mark-up, so to speak) of such a magnitude that you will find it impossible to make big money betting on such "Short Odds" matches. To be able to do otherwise you need to be clairvoyant, so that you will know just when to skip laying out money on what everybody else thinks is an obvious bet but will turn into an unexpected Draw (or even a Loss). Unfortunately, most of us don't have that gift!
  2. It doesn't matter which of the teams you select - Arsenal, Celtic, Liverpool, Manchester City, Manchester United, Tottenham or any other great team - they will always let you down at some point. When they do, you probably won't have won enough to cover your losses, although it is true that you probably won't be too far down financially either. It doesn't matter whether you have combined the Favourites into accumulators or not, as the same result will still apply. If this weren't the case, then Bookies wouldn't remain in business for very long. Think about it logically: the Bookies are not going to offer you the level of Odds on Favourites matches where, in the long-term, you are going to come out on top! If they did so, then every Bettor (including the non-thinking ones) would win, and the Bookies would be bankrupted.
  3. To become rich at betting on football matches you will therefore have to devise some way other than simply laying out on Favourites. The options available are Medium Odds and Long Odds betting, and because of the better Odds available you may be able to afford some hedge betting. If you don't believe in hedge betting, then we submit that you won't make any money here either. You must not allow yourself to be blinded by the possibility of just how big your return would be if the basic bet came in without spending out on hedge betting. This would be greed rearing its ugly head, and that way lies destruction!

The Combo-Finder Tool lets you compare the Reliabilities of both teams in a match and also find out how consistent the Scoring Abilities (and Vulnerabilities) of the teams are. By comparing one match's set of statistics against those of another match, you can soon determine which are the most reliable matches to put your money on. Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Updated: 22-Apr-2024 11:55 GMT
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