Friday, 19-Apr-2024

Where the Bookie Succeeds!

You can use our "SoccerPAT" facility for many different types of post-betting analysis. For example, for 'up to the end of last week' we are showing you that relying on the Bookie for Home Win calls in the Odds range 1.80 -2.50, for matches in the English Premier Division, would have made you 17.2% on 'singles' betting to date. For 'doubles', 'trebles' and 'quadruples' you would have done even better: respectively, 52.28%, 161.93% and 390.31%!

You can test out all other individual Divisions we cover in the same way and confirm for yourself that, in the same Odds range, the Bookies do well for the Dutch, French and German Premier Divisions and also the English Coca-Cola Championship.

On the other hand, the Bookies don't do very well in that same Odds range for the Premier Divisions of Greece, Italy, Portugal, Scotland, Spain and Turkey, so there must be plenty of opportunities for making money on "reverse" calls against the Bookies, as well as in English Leagues 1 and 2, and also the 4 Minor Leagues we cover.

Don't be lazy - go and check out for yourself where you can and where you can't rely on the Bookies Odds to decide your calls! Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Updated: 19-Apr-2024 12:30 GMT
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