To help you realise just how useful this website's data could be to you, consider what you would need to do – and the time it would take you – to search out, by yourself, all the information you would need to answer the simple question as to "Which team is most likely to win this soccer match?"
Even if you were to collect all the necessary data yourself, you would still have no valid way of processing it without writing your own computer program. Manually compiling data, even with the aid of spreadsheets, is a woefully inadequate approach. Our Program has taken us some 7,000+ hours to write, and over 3,000 initial hours to test and perfect. Even at US$30.00 an hour (and what worthwhile programming can you expect to get at that low cost nowadays?) that is a lot of investment.
And each week, just to collect, process and validate all the data ready for posting to this website, it takes a further 15 hours input as a minimum.
So just how much is your own free time worth to you? Probably a great deal would be our guess!
And how truly willing are you to put in all the necessary slog yourself, especially when we will do it all for you completely free of charge?
Think about it: Taking advantage of what we provide to you free will simply give you lots more time to analyse the necessary data in depth so that you can more precisely identify the best soccer betting selections!