Sunday, 09-Mar-2025


The problem with 1X2 betting is that, if you want to make even a 5% profit in a week gambling on "Favourites", then you need to get at least 90% of your bets correct - and many weeks you will need to be 100% right! That's because the Bookies employ highly skilled personnel to make sure it is impossible for the average Bettor to break the bank!

Further, one Draw will probably occur in every 4-5 "Favourites" bets placed, so achieving a 90% "hit rate" is very nearly impossible, and 100% successes week-after-week for a full season would be nothing short of a miracle!

If you are a novice, the consequence of this is that - like millions of others in the same situation as you - at the end of a season of "Favourites" betting your Starting Bank is probably less than half of what you started with!

Yes, for sure, even novices can have a lucky day or two! And that's what drives most gamblers. But have all YOUR past lucky days made up for the combined losses on the days your luck failed you?

It is possible to make money with 1X2 betting season after season, but to do so you need to rise well above the level of novice.

Having access to our predictions data dramatically turns the tide in your favour, not just for 1X2 betting but for Correct Scores betting too!

It's not hard to figure out where the problem comes in when trying to make a fortune with 1X2 betting. You put £10 on an "A" team to win at Home at Decimal Odds of 1.35, and it produces a 0-0 Draw; so you lose £10. The win call for that team’s next match at Home carries increased Odds of 1.50, but you would still have to lay out £20 just to recover the £10 you lost on the previous match.

That scenario probably sounds all too familiar to you. And given that, overall, with Medium Odds, Draws are the result of more than 1 in 4 matches, the chances of you recovering your money after a major set-back are slim. So, with 1X2 betting, most novices go on slowly losing more and more money to the Bookies each week!

However, as mentioned earlier, we all stand a chance of getting lucky on the day. So, when you do get lucky, you need to make sure it brings in a nice big fat win! Otherwise, what's the point of betting in the first place?

So, since 1X2 betting won't ever be able to make you rich even when you do get a lucky day, you will soon understand why spending just a little on Correct Scores betting can make sense. And our great data can help you with your Correct Scores betting as well as with 1X2 betting if you still wish to continue with that!

Remember, the jackpot sits with Correct Scores betting, and nobody on the Internet sems to be able to provide you with data that regularly gets as close to the actual score-lines as our predicted score-lines do for the more reliable teams (those whose performance is more consistent than most of the other teams)! Opting for sensible Correct Scores betting is therefore a way for you to stand a reasonable chance of making a killing with soccer betting, and it is where this website can help, since it has a lot of data that concentrates on the score-line possibilities.

However, to get access to the level of data you will need to be able to analyse where the best Correct Scores opportunities are sitting, you need to be a Registered Member on this website. But if you are still hesitating about registering with us to get the free services we offer, ask yourself these two simple questions:

  • If you don’t have the time or skills to collate and analyse everything to the extent we do, how could you possibly hope to improve your chances of getting a Jackpot Soccer Win under your own steam to anywhere near the level of opportunity our data provides?
  • How would you feel if you didn’t register with us, and you then learnt in a following week that you had missed out on a Jackpot Soccer Win our regular subscribers had been in on? [Because we often send out useful pointers by email to our Registered Members.]

If you answered those two questions honestly, then you will have proved to yourself why you need access to our data, starting today! Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Posting: 03-Mar-2025 04:55 GMT
NOTE - We are not a gambling website and so do not take any money for betting purposes, neither are we affiliated with Bookmakers, and nor do we take any commission or other benefits from such entities. We are an entirely independent entity, simply posting prediction outputs made by our computerised Predict-A-Win Progam along with an assortment of backup data and retrospective analysis details.

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