Friday, 26-Apr-2024


What sort of reliability can be placed on the anticipated score-lines generated by your Prediction Program?

We have set up our Program to record data and track more "Reliabilities" than you would ever think possible! In fact, we utilise 26 different types of Reliability within our Program. Here are the details of just a few of the Reliabilities we employ:

  1. "General Prediction" Reliability: Total number of 1X2 calls our Program actually got right compared to the actual number of 1X2 calls made to date.
  2. "Prediction Type" Reliability: Total number of Home (or Away or Draw) calls our Program called correctly compared to the actual number of such specific calls made to date.
  3. "Goals For" Reliability: Total number of "Goals For" called by our Program compared to the actual number of goals the team has scored to date. Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Updated: 22-Apr-2024 11:55 GMT
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