Friday, 26-Apr-2024


Would you consider it a good idea to place Under/Over bets based on the score-lines your Program predicts?

Despite what our Program's anticipated score-line might be, Under/Over betting is very much like Asian Handicap betting - it's a 50/50 call most of the time. Even the Bookies regularly get it wrong!

In any case, our Program's anticipated score-lines are generally "relative" score-lines only, so that 1-0 (an "Under" score-line) could easily become 2-1 (an "Over" score-line).

That's why we recommend Hedge Betting with Correct Scores. You can do it because the Odds are good enough to cover multiple hedge bets. But you can't hedge bet with the near enough 50/50 call that most Under/Over bets are stuck with! Powered by Predict-A-Win (product of BetWare Ltd)
Last Updated: 22-Apr-2024 11:55 GMT
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